Search Results for: "catherine+price"

An Update on Medtronic's MiniMed 670G System

An Update on Medtronic’s MiniMed 670G System

...far—but nonetheless, the process takes time. Worth noting is that the 670G system will be the same price as the 630G, which is helping to speed things up. Medtronic plans to start shipping the 670G system to Priority Access customers in June 2017. Then, once those orders have been filled,...
The 10 Best Things About Diabetes 2

The 10 Best Things About Diabetes

Living with diabetes is stressful, frustrating and exhausting, and my general response to people who encourage me to find the bright side of diabetes is to want to slap them. Nonetheless, while I’d take a successful pancreas transplant in a heartbeat, there are certain benefits that diabetes can provide. 1....
Pregnancy and Type 1 Diabetes: When Can I Expect That Glow?

11 Tips to Surviving Early Pregnancy With Type 1 Diabetes

Congratulations – you’re pregnant! (Or, alternatively: uh oh – you’re pregnant!) Either way, this is where your adventures in pregnant blood sugar management will truly begin. You have a challenging road ahead of you, but the good news is that there’s a lot you can do to increase your chances...
Vitamania - Book Cover

Are Vitamins Good for Us?

Catherine Price’s Vitamania confronts us health-conscious readers with one of our most deeply embedded cultural beliefs: that vitamins are good for us. We all know, or think we know, that vitamins are central to a healthy diet. We look for them in foods, both natural and processed, and we supplement...
Vitamania - Book Cover

50 Shades of Vitamins

What writing a book about America’s relationship with vitamins taught me about diabetes After spending three years locked in a book-writing cave, I’m excited to say that my new book, VITAMANIA: Our Obsessive Quest for Nutritional Perfection is being published today by Penguin Press. It’s about the history of vitamins...
New Year's

Checking in on New Year’s Resolutions

...keeping this resolution regarding effort and results has had a bonus effect of improving how I deal with my diabetes. As many people, such as my colleague Catherine Price, often point out diabetes is not a condition that follows a logical path of cause equaling effect. What’s more, for a...